
4-6 ounce wild salmon filet

1 teaspoon avocado oil

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/8  teaspoon black pepper

1/8  teaspoon paprika

2 cups raw spinach

½ cup artichokes



  1. Preheat oven to broil.
  2. Line baking sheet pan with parchment paper and add oil. Then add salmon, season with lemon, black pepper and paprika.
  3. Broil for 8 minutes on each side.
  4. Add to spinach and artichoke salad. Enjoy!


Nutrition facts: 307kcal, 14gm total fat, 2gm saturated fat, 80gm cholesterol, 250mg sodium, 14gm carbohydrates, 5gm fiber, 33gm protein



Recipes provided by:

Michelle Routhenstein, MS RD CDE CDN

Preventive Cardiology Dietitian

Instagram: Heart.Health.Nutritionist